"Why do I love you?"
Ya, bitch, te urasc. Nici macar atat nu meriti. Si daca te urasc, si sa stii ca te urasc!, de ce nu mi te pot scoate din cap? Ce mi'ai facut? Pleaca! Imi doresc sa nu te mai vad niciodata, doare prea tare, indiferenta aia din privirea ta, doare, copil fara creier! Iti mai aduci aminte cand plangeai pe umarul meu din cauza ei? Stiu ca'ti amintesti, dar nu vrei sa recunosti. Erai atat de deprimat, imi spuneai ca nu mai suporti, mereu ma intrebai de ce iti face asta, de ce o mai iubesti dupa toate cele intamplate, de ce nu poti sa o uiti. Nu am stiut sa'ti raspund, crede'ma ca mi se rupea sufletul cand te vedeam asa. Stiam ca o iubesti, si stiu ca si acum o iubesti. Singura parte pe care nu o inteleg e ce mi'ai facut mie. Stii ceva, copil? Acum inteleg ce simteai atunci. Cu ce ti'am gresit? Ca am fost intotdeauna acolo pentru tine, ca te'am ascultat si am incercat tot ce mi'era cu putinta ca sa fiti fericiti? Cu asta am gresit? Multumesc, dupa cate am facut pentru tine, asta mi'e rasplata. Stii, copil, atunci spuneai ca nimeni nu stie prin ce treci. Ai spus ca nu ai avut nicio intentie sa ma ranesti. Atunci de ce ma ranesti atat de tare? Iti face placere sa ma vezi cum sufar? Sau pur si simplu chiar nu'ti pasa? Defapt, copil, nici mie nu imi pasa. Mi'a pasat prea mult, si uite unde s'a ajuns. Stii ce doare cel mai tare? Eram frati, remember? Poate e mai bine asa.
Felicitari. Ai reusit sa ma faci cu adevarat sa inteleg prin ce ai trecut din cauza ei. Sper ca esti bucuros, ai frant o inima reasamblata. De parca nu ar fi fost de ajuns ca a fost franta o data.
joi, 27 ianuarie 2011
duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011
Un gand III
Burn in hell, bitch !
Imi pare rau ca mi'am irosit 5 minute din viata mea pretioasa ca sa scriu postu' asta pentru o persoana care nu merita, dar simt nevoia sa ma razbun pe ceva, si daca nu imi vars nervii pe blogu' asta, o sa omor pe cineva.
Si'mi pare rau ca mi'am irosit 3 zile din viata mea pretioasa [again] cu tine. A fost o gresala, mare gresala ! Aici am pus punct. Uita ca m'ai cunoscut vreodata sau ca am simtit ceva pentru tine. Sa stii ca pentru mine nu mai existi.
So , have a nice life. I'm done trying to be in it, bitch.
Si'mi pare rau ca mi'am irosit 3 zile din viata mea pretioasa [again] cu tine. A fost o gresala, mare gresala ! Aici am pus punct. Uita ca m'ai cunoscut vreodata sau ca am simtit ceva pentru tine. Sa stii ca pentru mine nu mai existi.
So , have a nice life. I'm done trying to be in it, bitch.
miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011
duminică, 16 ianuarie 2011
Leapsa III
Stiu ca e a3a pe ziua de azi, don't hate me, n'am altceva mai bun de facut. :)
Nume: Mady
Sex: chiar vrei sa stii? /:)
Muzica: heavy metal.
Favorite band: Metallica.
Cum te simti: singura si plictisita.
Ce faci: ascult muzica.
Unde stai: pe luna.
Stele cazatoare: cred ca ti'a cazut tie una in cap ^^
Superstitios/oasa?: nu.
Religie: I'll burn in hell. mai conteaza?
Indragostita?: mda.
Prieteni: oare?
Curaj: ehe, si inca cat.
Culoare preferata sau culori: negru, rosu, turcoaz.
Fumezi?: ce'a fost, a fost !
Vrei sa te mariti: da, cu ma`ta.
Vrei copii?: vreau catelusi.
Regreti: sfinte doamne, de cate ori trebuie sa imi mai aduceti aminte de asta? :|:|
Egocentric/a: :-??
Simti nevoia sa: beau.
Maine ce faci: ma fut. :| ma duc la scoala. x_x
Animale: am mai zis ca vreau catelusi. si un lup sa'mi manance vecinii. ^^
Unde esti acum: tot pe luna.
Ce iti doresti cel mai mult: bloody hell, un bilet la concert la Metallica !! :|
Ce vezi acum daca te uiti pe geam: parcarea si blocurile din fata.
Ochii tai: caprui.
Ce ai spus ultima data: vin?
Cum vezi lumea: de cacat.
Vrei sa spui ceva in final?: screw you, mother fucker.
Nume: Mady
Sex: chiar vrei sa stii? /:)
Muzica: heavy metal.
Favorite band: Metallica.
Cum te simti: singura si plictisita.
Ce faci: ascult muzica.
Unde stai: pe luna.
Stele cazatoare: cred ca ti'a cazut tie una in cap ^^
Superstitios/oasa?: nu.
Religie: I'll burn in hell. mai conteaza?
Indragostita?: mda.
Prieteni: oare?
Curaj: ehe, si inca cat.
Culoare preferata sau culori: negru, rosu, turcoaz.
Fumezi?: ce'a fost, a fost !
Vrei sa te mariti: da, cu ma`ta.
Vrei copii?: vreau catelusi.
Regreti: sfinte doamne, de cate ori trebuie sa imi mai aduceti aminte de asta? :|:|
Egocentric/a: :-??
Simti nevoia sa: beau.
Maine ce faci: ma fut. :| ma duc la scoala. x_x
Animale: am mai zis ca vreau catelusi. si un lup sa'mi manance vecinii. ^^
Unde esti acum: tot pe luna.
Ce iti doresti cel mai mult: bloody hell, un bilet la concert la Metallica !! :|
Ce vezi acum daca te uiti pe geam: parcarea si blocurile din fata.
Ochii tai: caprui.
Ce ai spus ultima data: vin?
Cum vezi lumea: de cacat.
Vrei sa spui ceva in final?: screw you, mother fucker.
Leapsa II
1. Ce faci ? - stau pe scaun.
2. Ce vezi ? - fereastra de net.
3. Ce auzi ? - Evanescence - Lithium
4. Ce simţi ? - singuratate. si mi'e cam somn.
5. Ce citeşti ? - blogul cuiva.
6. Cum te consideri ? - varza.
7. Trei defecte. - nepasare acuta. obraznicie acuta. lene acuta. (sunt bolnava grav :] )
8. Ce te face fericită? - sa'mi vad Piciu`.
9. De ce îţi este teamă? - de mine.
10. Unde te refugiezi ? - in balcon.
11. Ce este important ? - sa faci tot ce`ti trece prin cap, sa profiti de viata, Metallica [nu ma simteam eu bine daca nu pomeneam asta xD]
12. Ce înseamnă azi pentru tine? - o zi in care m'am benoclat la monitor si nu mi'am vazut Piciu` :| => prea trist.
13. Dar ieri ? - o zi pe care n`o s`o uit.
14. Ce urăşti cel mai mult ? - societatea in care traim.
15. Ce iubeşti cel mai mult ? - Metallica [da stiu, sunt obsedata] , viata :]
16. Azi te simţi. - singura, plictisita, somnoroasa.
17. Ai pierdut. - concertu' Metallica ! damn it, o sa regret asta toata viata !! :|:|
18. Esţi mândră de tine pentru că ... - traiesc. mai mult sau mai putin.
2. Ce vezi ? - fereastra de net.
3. Ce auzi ? - Evanescence - Lithium
4. Ce simţi ? - singuratate. si mi'e cam somn.
5. Ce citeşti ? - blogul cuiva.
6. Cum te consideri ? - varza.
7. Trei defecte. - nepasare acuta. obraznicie acuta. lene acuta. (sunt bolnava grav :] )
8. Ce te face fericită? - sa'mi vad Piciu`.
9. De ce îţi este teamă? - de mine.
10. Unde te refugiezi ? - in balcon.
11. Ce este important ? - sa faci tot ce`ti trece prin cap, sa profiti de viata, Metallica [nu ma simteam eu bine daca nu pomeneam asta xD]
12. Ce înseamnă azi pentru tine? - o zi in care m'am benoclat la monitor si nu mi'am vazut Piciu` :| => prea trist.
13. Dar ieri ? - o zi pe care n`o s`o uit.
14. Ce urăşti cel mai mult ? - societatea in care traim.
15. Ce iubeşti cel mai mult ? - Metallica [da stiu, sunt obsedata] , viata :]
16. Azi te simţi. - singura, plictisita, somnoroasa.
17. Ai pierdut. - concertu' Metallica ! damn it, o sa regret asta toata viata !! :|:|
18. Esţi mândră de tine pentru că ... - traiesc. mai mult sau mai putin.
10 WHAT’S:
1. What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up? – ”Nu ma duc la scoala, lasa'ma !"
2. What did you do last night? – am rupt patu'.
3. What is the most important part of your life? – hai sa nu.
4. What would you rather be doing right now? – o baie in dunare.
5. What did you last cry over? – posteru' de la Sonisphere, nu pot sa cred ca am ratat asa ceva :| fuuuck !
6. What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? – lama.
8. What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? – ass.
9. What are you worried about? – se poate mai rau decat atat?
10. What are you looking forward to most in this week? – plimbari pe stradute pustii si intunecate. aaa, si poze. :]
1. Have you ever liked someone while you had a girlfriend/boyfriend? – da.
2. Have you ever had your heart broken? – da.
4. Have you ever been out of the country? – da.
5. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? – da.
6. Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend? – da..si cu acu' in cur xDD [D. stie]
7. Have you ever had the cops called on you? – nu.
8. Have you ever dated someone younger than you? – nu.
9. Have you ever read an entire book in one day? – one night. :)
1. Who was the last person you saw? – Mama.
2. Who was the last person you kissed? – Piciu`.
3. Who was the last person you texted? – Radu.
4. Who was the last person to call you? – Ioana.
5. Who was your first crush? – Ionut. mda :-J.
6. Who is the last person who texted you? – Ioana.
7.Who is the last person you freaked out on? – :-? moartea.
8. Who did you last hug? – Piciu`.
1.When was your last shower? – aseara.
2. When did you last see your mom? – acum 5 minute.
3. When was your last time you saw your dad? – acum 7 minute. -.-"
4. When did you last dress up? – dracu' stie. candva in ziua de astazi.
5. When was the last time you cried? – azi.
6. When did you last go to the movies and with who? – duminica trecuta. Deea, Tibi & Ionut.
7. When did you last listen to music? – acum.
1. Where do most of your friends live? – Bucuresti.
2. Where did you last go? – la magazin sa'mi iau biscuiti.
3. Where did you last hang out? – pe undeva prin Cotroceni.
4. Where do you go to school? – 118.
5. Where is your favorite place to be? – oriunde e pustiu.
6. Where did you sleep last night? – pat.
1. Do you like someone right now? – da.
2. Do they like you too? – da.
3. Do you ever wish you were someone else? – da.
4. Do you know the muffin man? – ?
5. Does the future scare you? - haha. /:)
1. Why are you best friends with your best friend? – de mere.
2. Why did you get a Myspace? – n'avem.
3. Why did your parents give you the name you have? – tot d'aia.
4. Why are you doing this survey? – ca sa nu adorm pe tastatura.
1. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? – sa ma teleportez si sa pot sa fiu invizibila.
2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you? – da, as strange bani si m'as duce la Sonisphere ! only thing that I regret in this fucked life.
3. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one thing what would it be? – iPodu` si alcool.
1. Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you? – da. :-??
2. Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? – da.
1. Are you happy with your life right now? da.
1. What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up? – ”Nu ma duc la scoala, lasa'ma !"
2. What did you do last night? – am rupt patu'.
3. What is the most important part of your life? – hai sa nu.
4. What would you rather be doing right now? – o baie in dunare.
5. What did you last cry over? – posteru' de la Sonisphere, nu pot sa cred ca am ratat asa ceva :| fuuuck !
6. What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? – lama.
8. What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? – ass.
9. What are you worried about? – se poate mai rau decat atat?
10. What are you looking forward to most in this week? – plimbari pe stradute pustii si intunecate. aaa, si poze. :]
1. Have you ever liked someone while you had a girlfriend/boyfriend? – da.
2. Have you ever had your heart broken? – da.
4. Have you ever been out of the country? – da.
5. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? – da.
6. Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend? – da..si cu acu' in cur xDD [D. stie]
7. Have you ever had the cops called on you? – nu.
8. Have you ever dated someone younger than you? – nu.
9. Have you ever read an entire book in one day? – one night. :)
1. Who was the last person you saw? – Mama.
2. Who was the last person you kissed? – Piciu`.
3. Who was the last person you texted? – Radu.
4. Who was the last person to call you? – Ioana.
5. Who was your first crush? – Ionut. mda :-J.
6. Who is the last person who texted you? – Ioana.
7.Who is the last person you freaked out on? – :-? moartea.
8. Who did you last hug? – Piciu`.
1.When was your last shower? – aseara.
2. When did you last see your mom? – acum 5 minute.
3. When was your last time you saw your dad? – acum 7 minute. -.-"
4. When did you last dress up? – dracu' stie. candva in ziua de astazi.
5. When was the last time you cried? – azi.
6. When did you last go to the movies and with who? – duminica trecuta. Deea, Tibi & Ionut.
7. When did you last listen to music? – acum.
1. Where do most of your friends live? – Bucuresti.
2. Where did you last go? – la magazin sa'mi iau biscuiti.
3. Where did you last hang out? – pe undeva prin Cotroceni.
4. Where do you go to school? – 118.
5. Where is your favorite place to be? – oriunde e pustiu.
6. Where did you sleep last night? – pat.
1. Do you like someone right now? – da.
2. Do they like you too? – da.
3. Do you ever wish you were someone else? – da.
4. Do you know the muffin man? – ?
5. Does the future scare you? - haha. /:)
1. Why are you best friends with your best friend? – de mere.
2. Why did you get a Myspace? – n'avem.
3. Why did your parents give you the name you have? – tot d'aia.
4. Why are you doing this survey? – ca sa nu adorm pe tastatura.
1. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? – sa ma teleportez si sa pot sa fiu invizibila.
2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you? – da, as strange bani si m'as duce la Sonisphere ! only thing that I regret in this fucked life.
3. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one thing what would it be? – iPodu` si alcool.
1. Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you? – da. :-??
2. Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? – da.
1. Are you happy with your life right now? da.
vineri, 14 ianuarie 2011
Vreti sa stiti cum ma simt? Melodia asta o descrie perfect.
Bury all your secrets in my skin.
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins.
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again...
So if you love me, let me go.
And run away before I know.
My heart is just too dark to care.
I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my Fate -
If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you...
Ooh, my smile was taken long ago,
If I can change I hope I never know.
I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss.
I couldn't face a life without your light,
But all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight.
So save your breath, I will not care.
I think I made it very clear.
You couldn't hate enough to love.
Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend.
Then I could hurt you in the end.
I never claimed to be a Saint...
Ooh, my own was banished long ago,
It took the Death of Hope to let you go
So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul.
You never needed any help...
You sold me out to save yourself...
And I won't listen to your shame.
You ran away, you're all the same.
Angels lie to keep control...
Ooh, my love was punished long ago,
If you still care, don't ever let me know...
If you still care, don't ever let me know...
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins.
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again...
So if you love me, let me go.
And run away before I know.
My heart is just too dark to care.
I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my Fate -
If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you...
Ooh, my smile was taken long ago,
If I can change I hope I never know.
I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss.
I couldn't face a life without your light,
But all of that was ripped apart, when you refused to fight.
So save your breath, I will not care.
I think I made it very clear.
You couldn't hate enough to love.
Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend.
Then I could hurt you in the end.
I never claimed to be a Saint...
Ooh, my own was banished long ago,
It took the Death of Hope to let you go
So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul.
You never needed any help...
You sold me out to save yourself...
And I won't listen to your shame.
You ran away, you're all the same.
Angels lie to keep control...
Ooh, my love was punished long ago,
If you still care, don't ever let me know...
If you still care, don't ever let me know...
luni, 3 ianuarie 2011
Don't say anything tonight, if you're gonna say goodbye.
"Do you remember
In December
How we swore we'd never change
Even though you're leaving
That our feelings
Would always stay the same?"
In December
How we swore we'd never change
Even though you're leaving
That our feelings
Would always stay the same?"
Ultima mea zi. Apoi, iar. Nici nu vreau sa'mi aduc aminte cum s'a terminat data trecuta. Atunci, mi s'a spus ca lumea nu se termina cu el. Ba da, lumea mea. Stau si privesc pe fereastra...peisaj nostalgic. Nu'i pic de soare, e prea trist. Si nu e cu mine. Il vreau aici, sa'l sarut si sa ii spun ca'l iubesc, poate pentru ultima data. Macar am apucat sa'i spun. Nu prea imi mai pasa ce urmeaza. Mi s'a implinit visul. Parea imposibil, dar uite ca s'a intamplat.
Nu vreau sa plec, nu din nou! Frumos ar fi sa putem opri timpul in loc. Fericirea'i scurta si trece, asta e. Acum sunt fericita, maine o sa plang pentru ca trebuie sa'l parasesc. Dar stiu ca, la un moment dat, o sa fiu din nou fericita, langa el.
Chiar daca as incerca sa'l uit, n'ar merge. "Adu'ti bine aminte, copila, daca ai esuat prima data, vei esua si a doua oara, pentru ca nu s'a schimbat nimic." Credeam ca pot. Intr'adevar, am devenit mai puternica, nu si in fata lui, din pacate. Chiar si dupa timpul ala in care am vrut sa'l urasc, sa uit de el, tot am inceput sa tremur cand l'am vazut.
Nu voi mai incerca sa uit. Am inteles ca e imposibil. Mereu va fi asa. Timpul vindeca ranile, dar rana asta nu s'a vindecat datorita timpului care a trecut. Ii incredintez cu drag lumea mea. Sper sa aiba grija de ea.
Nu vreau sa plec, nu din nou! Frumos ar fi sa putem opri timpul in loc. Fericirea'i scurta si trece, asta e. Acum sunt fericita, maine o sa plang pentru ca trebuie sa'l parasesc. Dar stiu ca, la un moment dat, o sa fiu din nou fericita, langa el.
Chiar daca as incerca sa'l uit, n'ar merge. "Adu'ti bine aminte, copila, daca ai esuat prima data, vei esua si a doua oara, pentru ca nu s'a schimbat nimic." Credeam ca pot. Intr'adevar, am devenit mai puternica, nu si in fata lui, din pacate. Chiar si dupa timpul ala in care am vrut sa'l urasc, sa uit de el, tot am inceput sa tremur cand l'am vazut.
Nu voi mai incerca sa uit. Am inteles ca e imposibil. Mereu va fi asa. Timpul vindeca ranile, dar rana asta nu s'a vindecat datorita timpului care a trecut. Ii incredintez cu drag lumea mea. Sper sa aiba grija de ea.
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